Excerpts From the C Company History During WWI

A Soldier's Diary 
A short history of C Company, 15th Engineer BN
The Initial and Final Roster of C Company, 15th Engineer Battalion
From 25 May 1917 to 15 May 1919

A Soldier's Diary (Pages 100 - 102)
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Initial roster of men who formed C Company, 15th Engineer Battalion.
(Pages 8 - 10)
On 6 April 1917, President Wilson signed the Declaration of war against Germany. The 15th Engineer Battalion formed at Camp Gaillard (near Hulton, PA, about 12 miles north of Pittsburgh) in the following date order: 
Company A; 25 May 1917, Company B; 25 May 1917, Company C; 28 May 1917, Company D; 31 May 1917, Company E; 4 June 1917, Company F; 25 June 1917

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Final Roster - 15 May 1919
All men were mustered out and the 15th Engineer Battalion was deactivated.
(Pages 103 - 106)

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