APN Darlene

Hi Everyone,

I decided to make this web page very personal. I consider each and everyone of you very special and I want us to have a personal relationship. In discussing topics envision us sitting in a cafe, sun shining on our faces through a window and we are sipping our favorite beverage. OK? I want you to never think any question is a dumb question.

My name is Darlene
and I can be reached at  apndarlene@gmail.com
My Educational Background (A must read: Webmasters)

This page is broken into three parts: First, topics that you have chosen and my added commentary. Second a form to submit questions to me and last the questions you submit to me and my answers - no names will be published. Use your Back Button to return here.

The Benefits of Exercise

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (History)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Symptoms)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Diagnosis)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Treatment)

PSA and How to Interpret the Results of PSA Testing

Bipolar Disorder (Overview)

Bipolar Disorder (Treatment)

Have a Question for Me?
(Topics and Questions)

My Answers to Your Questions


The background song is Breathe (2AM) by Anna Nalick. You can watch her video here. Warning - do not click until the background song is finished as battling audio is not fun. 

Happy Health,
Love Darlene

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise - Great for the Mind and Body

Exercise improves mood. A brisk 30-minute workout can help calm you down. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. Regular physical activity can help prevent depression.

Exercise can help you lose weight but burning calories and decrease cravings and appetite. It boosts energy levels so you feel like doing more. Productivity increases, along with mood and self esteem.

Exercise promotes better sleep. It also improves your sex life! Just do not exercise too close to bedtime or you will be too energized. 

Exercise promotes health by improving circulation to every organ in the body. You can improve your blood pressure, decrease risk of heart disease and prevent osteoporosis. Cholesterol levels will benefit from regular exercise. The "good" high density lipoprotein will increase while triglycerides will decrease. Certain cancers and type 2 diabetes can be prevented. 

There are many benefits of exercise far too many to mention here but here are ten reasons to start moving now:

1. Decrease stress levels in your life by exercise
2. Improve digestion and avoid problem with constipation.
3. Reduce Joint Discomfort
4. May Add a few extra years to your life.
5. Enhances immune system
6. Makes body more agile
7. Increases enzymes in the body which burn fat.
8. Improves liver functioning.
9. Increased strength and stamina to improve quality of life
10. Reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 60%. Estradiol and progesterone, 2 ovarian hormones linked to breast cancer are lowered by exercise.
Until the next time we meet.....Love Darlene

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (History)

Hey guys and gals,
  Well today, 23 March 2011, is my 53rd birthday. Really want to tell you how grateful I am to be sharing it with you. I want you to feel like you know me and I want to know you and your stories. I just learned something new this past weekend. I have never heard of the term donut dollies. Richard shared with me the term and told me about one such woman who was brave and adventurous to share her life with soldiers in Vietnam. If I were old enough at that time I think I would have loved to be able to spread some joy to soldiers fighting for our country. If you have a story or remember some donut dollie that made your time a little bit happier I would love to hear about it. Or if you were a donut dollie I would love to hear from you personally. What I remember about Vietnam most is the fear it put in my parents about my brother being drafted. Fortunately for my parents my brother never had to go to war. Unfortunately he was injured in a very serious car accident and suffered serious injuries to his femur bone in his leg. He had friends who went to war and did not come back the same. One such friend lost his leg and suffered many physical and emotional consequences because of Vietnam. Many soldiers suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder which is a very real psychological disorder.
I did some research on the history of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder which I found very interesting and would like to share with you.  There are very few scientific  studies done prior to Vietnam on Posttraumatic  Stress Disorder. In the 1800's doctors diagnosed soldiers with "exhaustion" following the stress of battle. Soldiers are programmed to be strong and not show fear but the reality is that soldiers are human and humans are not machines made of steel and bolts. We are emotional creatures and we feel things, like fear, sadness, anger, etc. Through repeated stress and physical extremes soldiers would shut down and become extremely fatigued. This is one of the bodies defense mechanism to protect itself. The treatment would be to remove that soldier from battle for a period of time and then send them back hopefully recharged. 
During that same time in England a syndrome known as "railway hysteria" with symptoms resembling Posttraumatic Stress symptoms was exhibited by people who had been in the catastrophic railway accidents.  "Soldiers Heart" referred to Civil War combat veterans exhibiting startle responses, hyper vigilance and heart arrhythmia's. During WWI, those soldiers experiencing overwhelming mental fatigue were diagnosed with "soldier's heart and "the effort syndrome." The term "shell shock" came for WWI and the term "combat fatigue" followed in WWII. The term " Posttraumatic Stress Disorder" did not emerge until 1980 when the third addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was published. This is the book that helps diagnose mental illnesses
This was just a small history lesson in PTSD, which is a very real disorder. The next time we meet I would like to talk about the symptoms of PTSD and about how clinicians diagnose PTSD. Until then I hope everyone stays well. Remember I want you to ask me questions.. about anything. OK?  Darlene


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Symptoms)

Hello there. Darlene here. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I had a busy week. I work three days as an advanced practice nurse (APN) and on the weekends I work in a specialty hospital for geriatric psychiatric patients. I did not forget about you though and wanted to get back to you about Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. First I will explain briefly what it is and then I will describe symptoms that go along with having PTSD.
Post-traumatic stress disorder falls under the anxiety category in the DSM-IV-TR (psychiatric diagnostic manual). Symptoms may occur soon after a major trauma, or can be delayed more than 6 months after the event or trauma. Usually when it occurs shortly after the trauma it usually gets better after 3 months. However, symptoms can last for many years. Such events that can lead to PTSD are disasters (floods, earthquakes, fires), wars, assault, rape and other occurences of traumatic circumstances.
  flashbacks of the event
  recurrent distressing memories or dreams of the event
  physical reactions to situations situations that remind you of the trauma
  emotional numbing or feeling of not caring about what happens
  detachment from surroundings
  lack of interest in activities
  decreased expression of mood
  feeling of having no future
  avoiding people, places objects that rmind you of event.
  difficulty with concentration
  exaggerated startle responses
  hyper vigilance (increased awareness of environment)
  sleeping problems
Other symptoms may include physical symptoms such as dizziness, fever, headaches, palpitations and fainting.
Next time I will discuss risk factors, tests and diagnosis and treatment and drugs. Until next time keep healthy and ask me some questions.
Love, Darlene

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Diagnosis)

Hello folks,
 Back again. Survived my weekend shifts at the hospital. Last time we spoke a bit about Post-traumatic stress disorder. I promised to get back with how it is diagnosed and what kind of treatment there is for it. There are many assessment questionnaires that clinicians utilize and a few will be briefly mentioned. One such assessment tool is called the Impact of Event Scale or IES. It is a tool that measures intrusive and avoidance symptoms but does not address hyper arousal symptoms. The tool has been revised and now covers the 3 main categories of post-traumatic symptoms and is called IES - R.  Another tool is the DEQ or Distressing Events Questionnaire, recently renamed PTSD Screening and Diagnostic Scale. We also have the Trauma Screening Questionnaire. There are several others that identify symptoms and measure the intensity of the symptoms. Even though we understand that PTSD begins after a traumatic event, other factors play a role in developing PTSD. The factors include the severity, type and circumstances of the traumatic event. Also we are learning more that a person's personality or brain physiology may contribute to the onset of PTSD.
In doing further investigation into PTSD there has been some new and exciting developments in this area. As Richard and I discussed previously that it is often difficult to determine if PTSD is authentic. Relying on information solely obtained by an individual can lead to misdiagnosis. There has been exciting discoveries with the use of a test that measures brain activity, specifically magnetic fluctuations of neuron interactions.  Magnectoencephalography (MEG) is utilized in this test. Certain patterns exist in the brain of people with PTSD and using MEG identifies those with or without PTSD 90% of the time. Much more research and testing needs to be done in this area but it promises to diminish the stigma attached to PTSD in which it is looked at a form of weakness in character or that it is an imaginary disorder.
Also at the University of Vermont researchers have been studying a hormone known as PACAP. This hormone has been elevated in the blood samples of woman who have been exposed to violent crime. Results did not show an increase in men, only women who are 2 times more likely to suffer from PTSD.  University of Vermont is now looking to collocate with the US military and its post-traumatic stress disorder centers nationwide. Both these studies mentioned show new and exciting promises for the future of PTSD.
So next time we meet which will be in a few days we will discuss the last part of this segment on PTSD - treatment for PTSD. If anyone has any questions on PTSD or any other topic please contact me at apndarlene@gmail.com Darlene

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Treatment)

Hey everyone,
   I know, I know. I apologize for not getting back sooner. Time has just run away from me or is that I am running away from time. Either way I am back. I am going to finish up with PTSD today. I am looking for some feedback, questions, comments, anything. I want to know what is  important to you and what is not. Please e-mail me at  apndarlene@gmail.com. I want to know if someone.. anyone.. is reading this and what they think.  
The last segment to PTSD is treatments. First of all people may not find it comfortable to talk about uncomfortable events in one's life. Thats what a therapist is for to listen and help with PTSD symptoms. A therapist is often a person trained in psychotherapy and other treatment modalities. Before making a decision on a therapist think of who you would be comfortable talking to - male or female, older or younger and do some research into the therapists background. Some therapists specialize in certain areas. You want a therapist that is very familiar with PTSD and the different treatments available. 
There are several treatments that can be offered in the treatment of PTSD. First on is Cognitive Behavioral therapy. Simply put the way one feels, has a significant impact on the way they think and this impacts behaviors. A therapist helps you understand your feelings and the way it impacts your thoughts and behaviors. Once you are aware of how this all works in your life you can start to make small changes in the way you feel about things.  For example a soldier who may feel guilty about decisions he or she made during war can be helped to see circumstances differently. Many times people feel a great relief when they can move through feelings that have been kept inside themselves.
Another therapy is exposure therapy. Exposure therapy helps deal with the fear one feels surrounded around the traumatic event. In exposure therapy the therapist encourages you to talk about your trauma - the actual event, reliving the memory again and talking about how it makes you feel. Repeated exposure, even to the thought of the memory will be uncomfortable at first but necessary to help you move through the trauma. Reliving bad memories over and over is called flooding. Initially one might start on memories less upsetting, and then move onto remembering more and more of the bad memories. Over time the therapist is working toward "desensitization." The goal is to work towards getting control of feelings and thoughts surrounding the event. Exposure therapy may be actually exposing the person to whatever he is afraid and fearful of. If someone has been traumatized by a dog therapy may be exposing that person to a dog. Exposure therapy should always be done slowly with a trained therapist. There are also relaxation techniques that can be taught and practiced in therapy to utilize when you experience panic attacks or anxiety.
Another interesting therapy is EMDR which stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. This entails talking about your trauma while going through a series of eye movements with the therapist. Studies have proven that this type of therapy has helped lessen the symptoms of PTSD. 
There are also medications that can be prescribed for symptoms of PTSD, including feelings of sadness, anxiety or being overwhelmed. Antidepressant medications, particularly the SSRI antidepressant type medications can be effective in managing symptoms. I do not advocate medication alone. Therapy and working with a therapist is an important part of treatment. There are also medications that can help you sleep and decrease nightmares if one has sleep disturbances from traumatic memories. 
As always, if  you find something that you do not understand or want more information let Richard know and he will tell me. Again, I am here to help you in anyway I can. Darlene

 PSA and How to Interpret the Results of PSA Testing

So this time you ask me about PSA testing. How in the heck do you understand the results of a PSA test? First of all what is a PSA test?

 A PSA test is used to determine information about prostate health. PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. A PSA level is expressed in nanograms per milliliter. and 0 -4 ng/ml is considered a normal reading. An elavated PSA does not always indicate prostate cancer or problems. An enlarged prostate, having sex, certain medications like chemotherapy, prostate biopsy or surgery or even motorcycle riding can elevate the level. If PSA levels increase rapidly over time, it may indicate cancer. Mildly elevated levels (4-10ng/ml) may mean you need to have levels checked regularly for awhile. If levels double in less than 3 years, a biopsy should be done. A digital rectal exam may also verify if cancer is a concern. Many times doctors recommend a "free PSA" blood test. A higher ratio of free PSA means a lower risk of prostate cancer while a lower ratio of free PSA means a higher risk of prostate cancer. 

I hope our discussion on PSA level of the prostate clarified some issues. Always ask your doctor questions if you do not understand things. PSA testing is recommended annually after the age of 50. If you have a family history  or are African American you should broach the subject with your physician at age 45. If you have a suggestion for a topic, please let me know. Until the next time we meet..... Love Darlene.

Bipolar Disorder (Overview)

Sorry folks I have been gone for so long. I decided to take Rich's suggestion and not make my discussions so formal. I am going to talk from my heart about my topic.  I am back and I still am waiting for some questions, comments, responses from the gallery. I have a direct e-mail which is apndarlene@gmail.com. I can answer you through your direct e-mail or post the question on the site if you don't mind. I am here for you.. so just use me! I thought today we would talk about Bipolar Disorder. That diagnosis is thrown around a lot lately. The latest celebrity to claim she has Bipolar II disorder is Katheran Zeta-Jones. I was at lunch with some old friends from the Cedarcrest days and one of the nurses asked me if Bipolar II was a new diagnosis because she had only heard of Bipolar I disorder. Bipolar I and Bipolar II have been around a long time. There is also a third category of this illness called "Cyclothymia." Now I can tell you I rarely hear of that. Cyclothymia is a very mild form of Bipolar disorder with less severe symptoms of depression and hyppomanic symptoms.

It all can be confusing to people who are not really familiar with the disorder. In order for a person to be diagnosed they must be free from the influence of any drugs or alcohol. This is often difficult because many people who suffer from these illnesses often "self- medicate with illegal substances or alcohol. Bipolar I is the most severe disorder with periods of elevated mood alternating with periods of depression. When I mean elevated mood I mean over the top mood. It is pretty easy to spot a manic person. They often can appear agitated, restless, have pressured speech, difficulty with focusing and easily distracted. They can be loud, in your face, with extreme forms of behavior. People who are manic can be impulsive, reckless in their behavior. They might spend lots of money, be sexually promiscuous, have little need to sleep and have boundless energy. They can even become psychotic, with strange beliefs and thoughts, have delusions of grandeur. When I worked in the hospital I have to tell you I enjoyed my manic patients but manic symptoms often leads to serious trouble. Often times full blown mania leads to hospitalizations as the behaviors are so extreme people usually end up calling the police or an ambulance.

Depression is the other extreme that people with Bipolar illness suffer from. Often times the depressions can be so severe in Bipolar I, they can lead to suicidal thoughts and even suicidal behaviors. Most people dread the depressions but rather enjoy the mania side of the illness. Depression can be characterized by low mood, appetite disturbances, sleep disturbances, difficulty focusing, decreased energy and motivation. Often depressed people detach themselves from life, avoiding friends and family. Moods can switch quickly in people who suffer from Bipolar or they can be more cyclic in nature. Some people may suffer from more mania, while others can suffer more from the depression side of the illness. Either way this illness can be very disrupting to life. Thank goodness there are some good medications that can help stabilize mood. In my next segment I will talk about some of the medications that are used to help people stabilize their mood. 

Bipolar II disorder is less severe and can present as hypomania and depression. Most people with Bipolar II may never be hospitalized but requires treatment with medications and therapy. 

Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone is keeping healthy and happy. I started eating an apple a day (or at least every other day) Recently heard a study that says people who eat an apple a day have improved their cholesterol level and decreased their LDL (bad fat in the blood) and increase their HDL (good fat in the blood). Also starting walking more - doing at least 2 miles on the track. Another thing I started doing was using a Neti pot daily. People who have chronic colds, sinus infections, allergies should consider this. I am breathing easier through my nose and feeling better. Until next time.. Love, Darlene.

Bipolar Disorder (Treatment)

Hello there. I am back to finish my discussion on Bipolar illness. My first part involved brief discussion on what Bipolar illness is. I talked about the different forms of Bipolar and symptoms. This topic will focus on treatment. I cannot stress the fact that medication therapy also should go hand in hand with psychotherapy - that is "talk" therapy. People who manage medications - physicians and APRN's focus primarily on symptom management and issues related to that. A psychotherapist is someone you can talk to who, who you trust to share your innermost feelings and problems with. They are skilled in helping you identify issues and guide you along the path of emotional strength. Today our focus is on primarily medications. There are some excellent medications approved by the FDA to manage symptoms of Bipolar illness. There are also other medications that can be used "off label" to help in the management of symptoms as well. When I mean "off label" I simply mean that the FDA has not officially approved them but they are being used and successfully manage symptoms of the illness.

Psychiatry is not easy by no means. There are many medications used for depression, Bipolar, and other disorders. Every medication is unique in its composition and prescribers need to understand the mechanism of action on the neurotransmitters of the brain. A general rule of thumb is to do a complete history of the patient and ask about medications used in the past. If a medication worked well to manage symptoms with no side effects by all means return to what works for the patient. Also a family history is important as many psychiatric illnesses have a genetic component. If a patient's mother was diagnosed with Depression and Zoloft worked well, then chances are Zoloft will be successful in treating the patient's depression. Often times people who are diagnosed with Bipolar have a family history of it. 

In earlier discussion I discussed Bipolar II. Bipolar II patient's often suffer with repeated episodes of depression. A medication called Lamictal or lamotrigine is an excellent choice in treating in treating this. Lamictal has been around a long time for treating seizures and has been proven safe over long-term use. It also is one of the few medications that does not cause weight gain. Unfortunately many of the medications used to treat Bipolar I cause weight gain in some people. For those who suffer primarily from the depressive side of Bipolar this is an excellent choice. It prevents cycling of moods but will not prevent manic symptoms. In some people it may cause anxiety, irritability of mood or sleep problems. 

There are three main medications that have been used to treat Bipolar I that target mainly the manic symptoms of the illness. One is Lithium and is often used in classic BIpolar I symptom pattern: euphoric mania and severe depression. In Bipolar I it is very important to realize that suicide risk is a great concern. Lithium is a very inexpensive medication. It is primarily metabolized by the kidneys so it is imperative before using lithium that bloodwork is ordered to rule out any kidney problems. Another test that should be done is Thyroid to rule out thyroid disease. There is an established connection of thyroid dysfunction and bipolar symptoms. Bloodwork is an important piece when first initiating Lithium therapy. In the beginning of treatment the prescriber will want to monitor you closely for the Lithium level in the blood. If a patient is not going to be cooperative with the bloodwork this is not a good medication to use. A therapeutic dose of Lithium can be very close to a toxic dose of lithium and that is why this drug must be monitored closely by bloodwork and any significant side effects. 

Another medication used frequently is Depakote. It is a heavy hitter with manic symptoms and rapid cycling of mood. It can cause people to gain weight. Bloodwork is necessary but not as frequently as Lithium when first started. 

A medication called Tegretol is sometimes used but not as often as the two above. Again it is beneficial with rapid cycling of mood. It also may help in severe sleep problem cases. It can be used in people who have gained significant weight being treated with Depakote. 

Trileptal is an expensive medication but is used to treat milder cases of Bipolar illness. It is an alternative to Depakote and its low long-term risk is appealing.

Seroquel, a medication first established to treat schizophrenia is now used to treat Bipolar I illness. It is an antipsychotic medication that helps in severe agitation, depression and anxiety symptoms. It also helps with sleep. There are 2 forms of Seroquel, the regular dosing which is taken 2 or 3 times through-out a 24 hour period or the extended release which is given once daily. It is not recommended in people with diabetes or a family history of diabetes. Careful monitoring of blood sugar should be done even in those who do not have a diabetes history as many of the "second generation" antipsychotics like Seroquel have caused increases in blood sugar.  Zyrexa and Abilify are some other antipsychotic medications that are used to treat Bipolar as well.

In many patients the depressions are so severe that more than one medication is used to treat symptoms. It is not uncommon to see patient's on mood stabilizing medications such as Depakote and LIthium  and antidepressant medication such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Lexapro. Antidepressants must be used cautiously in patient's that have Bipolar illness as it can trigger a manic episode. Bipolar illness can be managed well with medication. I cannot stress enough that medication management and a connection to a licensed psychotherapists is crucial in treating this mental illness.

If anyone has any questions or wants further information on this illness or any of the medications discussed, please contact me through my email address.  Until we meet again on these pages.. Keep well and try to stay happy. Darlene - apndarlene@gmail.com

Questions and Topics

This is the section for asking me questions and submitting topics for discussion.

Please  submit all of your questions and/or topics to me at:


Love you guys and gals

Your Questions and My Answers

Hi Darlene, I am a 65 year old male who has smoked for 49 years.  I have no VA or health coverage.and was recently told by a friend (who works in the medical field that my persistent cough may possibly be COPD.. Would you please give me some backgound on COPD before I see a doctor. Thank you.

stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is a condition of the lungs that make it difficult to breathe. This condition is caused mainly by smoking but can be caused by other things such as exposure to certain gases or fumes, exposure to heavy amounts of secondhand smoke and pollution and frequent use of cooking gas without proper ventalation.
In rare cases nonsmokers who lack a certain protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin can develop emphysema.
There are two main forms of COPD. Chronic bronchitis causes a long term cough which produces mucous. Emphysema is the destruction of the lungs over time.
Picture an upside down tree branching out inside your lungs. At the end of each branch are tiny air like sacs. In healthy people the sacs are springy and elastic. When you take a breath in the sacs fill up like a balloon. When you exhale the sacs deflate.  When a person has COPD, the air sacs loose their elasticity and shape and become floppy. Air can no longer enter the sacs normally, therefore reducing your oxygen exchange in your lungs.
Symptoms of COPD include a cough with mucous, shortness of breath that worsens with activity level, frequent respiratory infections wheezing and fatigue.
The best test for COPD is a simple lung function test called spirometry. It involves blowing out as hard as you can into a machine. This machine measures lung capacity and can be interpreted immediately. Sometimes listening to the lungs as you breathe in and out with a stethoscope can be helpful, although sometimes the lungs sound normal even when a person has COPD. Having a chest x-ray or CT scan and show changes in the lungs but not always. A blood test called a "blood gas" test measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
There is no cure for COPD. The best advice is to quit smoking to slow down lung damage. Medications include inhalers. Brochodilators open up airways, allowing air to enter. Inhaled steroid medication can reduce lung inflammation.  In severe cases or during flare-ups, steroids by mouth or intravenously may be administered. Antibiotics are prescribed for lung infections. Oxygen therapy may be given if the person has a low level of oxygen in their blood. Exercise programs are helpful to build strength in the muscles so there is less demand on the lungs.
Some helpful suggestions are:
Avoid cold air.
Avoid smokers and second hand smoke.
Reduce air pollution by eliminating fireplace smoke and other irritants.
Eat a healthy diet with protein and fruits and vegetables.
Get to your doctor ASAP as you are a strong candidate for COPD
In severe cases surgery is needed to remove diseased lung or in most severe cases lung transplant.

Thanks for asking and I hope this helps, Darlene


My Educational Background

I have lived in CT all my life. I spent most of my life in Windsor, CT. I went to nursing school  right after high school at Greater Hartford Community College and graduated in 1978 with an Associates Degree in Science. I passed the Nursing Boards and got  my first job  at Mansfield Training School . Mansfield Training School was a small community of mentally challenged adults. It had many residential buildings as well a large hospital for those clients who were in need of medical treatments. I worked at Knight Hospital in many different areas, including nursing supervisor. I worked there for a little over a year, did a short stint at a convalescent home until I got a job at Cedarcrest Regional Hospital, which was a state run, psychiatric hospital for adults. While I was working there I returned to school and achieved my Bachelors of Science (major in nursing) at Saint Joseph College in Standish Maine. I worked at Cedarcrest from 1979 until 2001. I worked briefly at the Institute of Living for a year with alcohol and drug patients and psychiatric patients. I further went on to get my Master in Science at Saint Joseph in West Hartford CT in an APRN program and took boards, receiving my Advance Practice specialty in psychiatric nursing. Currently I work two jobs, one at the Hebrew Home (28 hours on the weekend) on a behavioral psychiatric behavioral geriatric unit and Saint Francis Hospital as an APN with psychiatric outpatient patients. I work closely with parole clients (federal and state). I have two children ages 21 and 30. I also have 1 grandchild age 5. I am married and my husband also works with forensic, mentally ill patients at Whiting Forensic Institute.   Darlene Przasnsyski

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