Reunion 2003
Ft. Mitchell, KY
"Together Then...Together AGAIN"
Sammy L. Davis, CMH
First SONID Membership Meeting Attendees
Officers and Board Members Elected at the 2003 Reunion
Outstanding Business from the Membership Meeting
Tom Newsham gave the Treasurers report Saturday at the membership meeting. The only expenses paid out so far is $100.00 for 9th ID lapel pins and $184.00 to reimburse me (Webmaster and previous acting President) for out of pocket expenses for the following items: $116.00 for 1000 membership cards; $48.00 for the SONID postal box rental; $12.00 for copy costs for handouts at the reunion and the remainder for sundry office type items used at the reunion. Once the deposits from the reunion and bank fees are available, the actual total of funds in the SONID account will be posted here. My best estimate is it should be in the range of $1,900.00.
There are currently 51 SONID members.
The SONID was presented Saturday evening (by Frank Humphreys) with a $100.00 donation from the 39th Infantry. It is also appreciated that the 39th Infantry allowed the SONID to set up a Hospitality table in their 1st Brigade Hospitality Hall (Woden and Grendel meeting rooms).
Your Webmaster would like to thank both Frank Humphreys (3/39th) and William Metzler (5/60th) for helping me move computer and other "stuff" between rooms at the reunion. Sure saved me a couple of trips carrying boxes and their help was very much appreciated.
The only negative was that someone stole the 9th ID Octofoil flag that was given to us by the 25th Infantry Division Association.
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